thats it! i have seen the last popup i ever want to see!
Every where i go they rear their ugly little window to advertise something i dont give a damn about.

Whatever happened to targetted advertising? or do the site admin just think thats the one that gets most money ill stick it on the site - i dont care if the site is about programming i want popups that advertise viagra, goldfish bowls and offshore casino gambling accounts.


Anyway im babbling - my idea:

I would like to start up the international campaign against popup commercials. Just fill in an online form and when we have a million or so email addresses (ill sell it to M$ - he eh - only joking)
present it to all the advertising compaines and icaan and everyone and ban popups!

i would be happy to run this on my site, i have visitors from over 25 countries worlwide so could attract a decent audience. Then i would be looking for popup police - internet officers that surf in search of the popup and send that popup to where it belongs...