One of the things he emphasized in the talk is that they are putting effort in to making the language more accessible to novices. No, that doesn't mean we're going to have forced garbage collection and all objects are references *cringes* but we will be seing many things introduced that make sense.

Building off of what XSquared noted, we'll finally see some clarity in template errors with the introduction of "requirements" on templated functions. This essentially seems to allow the programmer to inform compiler on what kind of functionality the function will require, giving room for the compiler to serve up errors before compiling the templated function (e.g. Error: your class requires the increment operator, as opposed to the confusing template errors we're all familiar with).

He also briefly alluded to possibly cleaning up the syntax for function pointers (pointing out that even he finds them convoluted), such that returning a function pointer doesn't require the use of a typedef. This is something I think a lot of people will probably cheer about.

And XSquared: the least you could have done was invite me over for some drinks when you two were at the pub. Sheesh.