Thread: Book of Outlawz

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  1. #1
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    Book of Outlawz: Life Lessons

    As we all know death is an important factor in our lives. In order to die, you must live first. As we see different tragedies happening elsewhere, we think to ourself "This will never happen to me", "I will never be a victim". Though while saying this we have lack of knowledge or understanding about the details of probability. Probability, the very word that pops up in your head when hearing this is "random". The probability of us dieing in a tragedy depends on where we are and what are we doing. The probability of getting burn while playing with fire is much higher than being asleep. We take life for granted. We do not realize that the probability of death can occur anytime. We are relaxed, we live our normal lives without realizing that we could die anytime now. When we die, where do we go? Does the human soul magically fly upwards to a cloudy place called heaven? Does our maker recycles our soul and uses it to make another lifeform(reincarnation)? You can't be 100% sure what will happen. You won't be able to know until you actually experience death.

    What about the people you care about? When they die, we wonder if they are in a better place. We wonder if they are enjoying the afterlife without us. What about those who want to experience death? It is obvious that suicidal individuals aren't afraid of death. Maybe lonelyness leads to this depressing state. Maybe your entire family has been wiped out with a disease. How sad is it to experience this. Being the only one. Not having human contact at all. Not having any friends nor having the ability to make friends. While in this depressing state you begin to think that no one in the world likes you nor does anyone in the world even care if you die. After this "teenage depression" stage, the birth of a serial killer or child molester is around the corner waiting to hatch out of its satanic egg.

    The horrifying truth is that no one in this world is a bad person. Our actions are what make others categorize us as criminals or outlaws. Murderers don't kill people for the hell of it naturally. Something must have happened in this person's life that lead him to perform these actions. Maybe this criminal wasn't raised properly. Perhaps this person was molested by a close relative and wants to lash out on the world. Maybe the person murders because he/she wants to unleash that anger and hatred that was growing inside for all of those years. If you're a child of the lord then you're not a bad person. Also there is no such thing as a "special" person. Do not think for one second that you are the "chosen one" randomly chosen by destiny. No one is special. God created all of us equal. A bald-headed former gang member who happens to spit good rhymes(DMX) isn't special.

    Another horrifying fact is that we're all the same. Cosmeticly we may look differently, and our personalities maybe completely different but when I say that "we're all the same". I mean that all of us in the society tries to hard to stand out. That characteristic is in everyone of us. We don't want to be viewed by the public as "Oh, another average person". We want to stand out from others. Why do we want to stand out from others? Do we want attention? We people have a strange way of saying things. You could say something and not even open your mouth. Metaphoricly, actions speak louder than words. Just because you tell your mother that "I love you", doesn't neccesarily means that you love her. You must do actions to back it up. Buy gifts, give kisses and hugs. Show some compassion for those you love.

    Must we love strangers? Is it ok to love strangers? The lord said we must love all including ourselfs. A person with low self-esteem doesn't love him/herself. If someone doesn't love themselves, how on earth can they love someone else? Loving someone more then yourself is something big. What about those who hate everyone else including themselves? Why do depress teens hate the world? Maybe all of their lives they have been rejected and humiliated by society. The camouflouge hatred grows larger until there isn't no more compacity for that hatred. This is what makes a serial killer, murderer, child molester, and other people who perform criminal activities for a living. So, for those of you who question the insanity of this world think again. You need to love others. If you don't, then that person who never recieved love will probably murder your wife and children. Its better to have friends than enemies. If you have a friend who becomes your enemy, try to avoid that person at all cost. Dealing with an ex-friend/betrayer will probably evolve into something more serious and dramatic. If you follow my advice then the "stress" you've been having in your life will cut down into a minimum.
    Last edited by Ruflano; 01-20-2002 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #2
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    nobody has a reply?

  3. #3
    The Artful Lurker Deckard's Avatar
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    I dozed off after "In order to die, you must live first"
    Jason Deckard

  4. #4
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    oh man, read the whole thing for once

  5. #5
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Deckard
    I dozed off after "In order to die, you must live first"
    Wow Deckard you got that far??!??!

    I got to the second word then my attention was distracted by a flying insect. How can I be expected to read this.....more smileys needed

  6. #6
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    We'll all die in a tradgedy soon...
    just need to adjust the formula

  7. #7
    The Artful Lurker Deckard's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fordy
    Wow Deckard you got that far??!??!
    I checked the first line and began thinking it was in an unusual format for source code. Then I realized I was twenty words into the darn thing and I hadn't seen a single key word! You'd think he'd have the courtesy to delimit it with /* */ so I know it could be ignored
    Jason Deckard

  8. #8
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    Dude, did you copy and paste or did you type this whole thing. Well I shouldn't be critizing you it might be a well and informative written article, I'll try to get back to you after I read the whole thing........
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    "...The only real game I thank in the world is baseball..." --Babe Ruth

    "Life is beautiful"-Don Corleone right before he died.

    "The expert on anything was once a beginner" -Baseball poster I own.

    Left cprog on 1-3-2005. Don't know when I am coming back. Thanks to those who helped me over the years.

  9. #9
    monotonously living Dissata's Avatar
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    yet each on of us are all different, unique in our own way, and that is why we all want to be noticed, we want our uniquness to be seen by everyone, and not just our similarities

    [[com'on at least try and read it!]>><r@zy^id-it,n*n*+in]
    if a contradiction was contradicted would that contradition contradict the origional crontradiction?

  10. #10
    monotonously living Dissata's Avatar
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    oh and nice article, you are right the more you love, the more you will be loved, and the more you will affect the rest of the world, you must love someon/something, or the world will not even look at you
    if a contradiction was contradicted would that contradition contradict the origional crontradiction?

  11. #11
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    I just finished reading your article and I got to tell you man, it's something really deep, is this your work? What made you write this? I mean that's soome good stuff. Could I copy it and print it out to save it for myself? I might even put this up in my wall or something. I am sorry for my comments. Hey people you should really read this, it makes you think.
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    "...The only real game I thank in the world is baseball..." --Babe Ruth

    "Life is beautiful"-Don Corleone right before he died.

    "The expert on anything was once a beginner" -Baseball poster I own.

    Left cprog on 1-3-2005. Don't know when I am coming back. Thanks to those who helped me over the years.

  12. #12
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    yes, I wrote this

    I wrote all of this. I didn't expect for you guys to like it.
    Go ahead, print if out and put it on a wall if you want.

    btw, I'm only 16 years old(turned 16 last Saturday)

  13. #13
    Still A Registered User DISGUISED's Avatar
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    It is obvious that suicidal individuals aren't afraid of death.
    Not true. Suicidal people are often more afraid of death than most people. Why? Becasue it's always on their mind and they think of it more often, in more detail, than most people. If they weren't afraid they would be dead, not suicidal.

    God created all of us equal.
    Somehow, I doubt a child whom was born with no arms and legs would say the same.

    The horrifying truth is that no one in this world is a bad person.
    If it's the truth, then why is it so horrifying? Of course, I do not agree. If a person is abused as a child, and they grow older to only abuse others, they are evil. Not to mention weak. I see this as an excuse and a really bad one at that. They make the "Choice" to abuse others. You should have no pitty for these people.

    We want to stand out from others.
    I don't agree with that at all. Most people tend to conform to their surroundings.

    If someone doesn't love themselves, how on earth can they love someone else?
    This is a valid point.

    If you don't, then that person who never recieved love will probably murder your wife and children.
    This is a really ridiculous thing to say.

    Dealing with an ex-friend/betrayer will probably evolve into something more serious and dramatic
    Oh ok. So I should forgive and love all evil people because they aren't really bad, but I should avoid my friend/loved one that I may have had a bad situation with at all costs. Does this really make sense to you? Whatever happened to working things out with people.

    Personally, I would rethink not only some of the ideas in this post, but the grammar as well. It could use some work, but at least you show some initiative.

    Just my opinion.

  14. #14
    It's still cool though.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    I hate this guy

    I knew that somewhere along the way there will be an idiot who dis agrees with many valid points...........

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