So next year (my last year!) I'm doing a pre-calculus course, sort of. It's not strictly pre-calculus, but it's the closest our school system has to offer AFAIK.

Anyway, since I know the majority of you have been through high-school and stuff already, I was wondering what exactly to expect from this. From what I gather from my teachers, it's basically the hardest math course I can do in our school. But I haven't exactly been told anything specific about the course, other than that I can't use a calculator (I think). Although I'm pretty sure you can't use a calculator for calculus anyway, but what about the other stuff in the course?

Course Description:
Mathematics 3207 is considered to be part of the Advanced Math program. It is the last course in a series of four which make up the senior high advanced stream. We recommend that students have either Math 2205 or Math 3205 completed before taking this course. Topics include Sequences and Series, Functions with an emphasis on Graphing and an Introduction to Calculus, Trigonometry, Complex Numbers, and essential Algebra necessary for success in post-secondary Mathematics. Students should have access to a graphing calculator.