Well, I just had a scuffle with management - the first of my young professional coding career. My boss suggested I use the waste-of-space itoa function included with my compiler, after I wrote my own (well, copied it from K&R, but whatever)... His reasoning was because their library implementation leaves me with pointers to the beginning and ending of the string, "This can come in handy at times." It doesn't come in handy in this case, but who cares! It could be handy in some other, totally unrelated program, so I have to use it... ::sigh::

Did I mention that using their itoa requires including a totally new header file, one that will only be used with this function? His excuse: "You can use the other functions to aid in debugging..." Apparently he doesn't realize that there's no screen hooked up to the micro I'm programming, so debugging with printf will be pretty damn worthless.

My question: Do managers just assign projects, go away to a meeting, and forget about it?

Another problem: my boss just left for the afternoon, and I'm stuck with more weird errors. Does anyone know why my 500 line program would contain errors in line 1400?