Hi everybody.

I apologise if thi s is in the wrong section but I wasn't really sure where to put it.
I need some general advice from some old pros about programming.
At the moment i'm twenty four and learning to prgram in C as a hobby. I like playing around wirth computers and at this early stage of my life I won't rule out a career in IT. What I want to know is whether peple like me can get jobs as programmers or whether it takes years of graft and sweat at university to do that? Can a hobbiest just drift into a job or is it necessary to be formally trained at a recognized institute? If I could get a career programming what sre the best things to master to give myself the greatest chance? Or am I mad for even thinking about it when I could be working in the fresh air? I know my questions are a bit lame and may raise a few sniggers but ...heck i'm not in a position to know the answears!

Any advice would be greatfully received.

thanx to all