@Sentral: I'm sure that Hussein, Hitler and Stalin enjoyed the pain and suffering of the people that they thought deserved it. How about this: we're better than these types of sociopaths until we engage in the same types of behaviors as them. Okay, so society has to put people like this to death, at least be realistic and professional about it.

I do not believe the death of Hussein will lead to peace. I think it's purely symbolic and will serve little function. So far, it seems as if there has been an immediate spike in the violence...more souls being lost, both Iraqi and American. I cannot possibly imagine how bad it is over there right now, not being able to walk around in the capital without knowing if the garbage can next to you is going to blow up.

What's scary is that the presence of US troops in Iraq has lasted longer than it took to defeat the Nazis. It's also scary that we have yet to capture and secure the capital. Our military is not big enough to defeat the insurgency.

I also just finished reading the Iraq study group report. they do not believe that any military or economic measures are going to produce any real results without political reconciliation amongst Iraqis and the neighboring countries.