Unless you have been distracted for the past couple of months, there is a new world wide initiative to vote the 7 New Wonders of the World.. 212 days to vote from the day I'm posting this.

Unfortunately, the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World are lost to us. Only the Giza Pyramids survived. Of them the Colossus of Rodes was my favorite. It surely must have been a sight!

The final 21 Wonders have already been chosen from a list of a couple of hundred. This process was made by an international panel after all countries submission. Unfortunately, the Portuguese Torre de Belem didn't make it past the 77. Still the 21 chosen are quiet amazing sites of world heritage.

Now, it's our turn to chose from the final 7 and make the new list. I already have I'm very happy such an amazing event is being held. June 2007 a world wide TV Show will broadcast to over 130 countries on a show lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes the New 7 Wonders of the World.
