One of my professors has enlisted me to give a programming presentation to the programming class here where I go to school. I'm going to be discussing the physical model I use to simulate a hovercraft air cushion vehicle.

I've never done this before, so I'm somewhat nervous. I'm mostly just afraid that nobody will really care what I'm doing.

Anyway, I've discussed a basic plan with my professor, and this is essentially what the presentation will cover. It will likely take two classes to present.

-What is an air cushion vehicle? (slide1)
-What aspects am I trying to simulate in my simulation (slide 2)
-Show the computer program in action
-Discuss the code modules at the objective theoretical level (slide 3)
-Discuss specific algorithms and math, e.g. the physical model, what data is passed to the numerical solver, how do I accomplish the collision model, how do I test the validity of an algorithm, etc.

This is the same professor that is trying to start an organization with two MIT students, and now me, to write efficient and 'easier' surfacing software for machines that fabricate propellors (there is not really an effective streamlined way of going from the design phase of propellor fabrication to then instructing a machine to fabricate the part...the whole process is currently cumbersome, he wants to call this 'open prop').

Just thought I'd share...I'll tell you how it goes. If nothing else this ........ will look good on a resume.