This is not a poll thread, although it could be. I'm just curious as to if anyone else doesn't feel that drive towards moving their C++ learning (or experience) to GUI development. I mean, I feel more excited in learning the workings of C++ and some of the concepts like multi-threading, RAII or design principles like the PIMPL idiom, than I am of learning to program in Windows or any other GUI for that matter.

It is a fact that I have absolutely no intention of ever going professional with C++. I'm not learning it to put it in my resume. My resume in fact is a thing of the past. I'm getting ready to abandon the programming profession. I'm learning it because I love programming and this is finally the time I can devote myself to C++. But is there anyone else out there who doesn't really feel inclined to GUI programming and instead prefer to dwell on other aspects of the language?