Thread: Why you like programming?

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  1. #1
    Registered User Rennor's Avatar
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    Why you like programming?

    I never seen this question asked. People like different things and that makes us do things for work or hobby. Everything covered. This board is filled with people who have found that programming is very very interesting thing to do (Yeah, I guess it is this way).

    So I am asking you lot, how you find yourself programming and why? How does it satisfy you?

  2. #2
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    I like self inflicted pain.

    The main thing that drives me to program is creativity. If I wasn't a hobbyist programmer I'd probably be a writer or maybe even a painter.

    I'd say I'm an artist and a storyteller but I use digital media to present my art rather than paint and books.

  3. #3
    The superhaterodyne twomers's Avatar
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    I had two programming courses in University, both in first and second year. In first year I hated programming, but just before Christmas during second year I got interested in it, and decided to look into stuff that wasn't taut to us ... and that's pretty much it to be honest. I don't think my year's gonna be doing any more programming classes before we finish, so now it's also "self inflicted pain", but not to a very high pain degree

  4. #4
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    I like programming because I was able to use my programming skills to get me into a non-programming job that pays well and that I enjoy.

  5. #5
    Reverse Engineer maxorator's Avatar
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    My story started, when I was around 8. I wanted to make a web page. But WYSIWYG editors were boring and stupid. So about 2 years passed. Then I thought, there must be a better way to make web pages. I learned HTML. That seemed very interesting to me then. I was hungry for knowledge. I also learned Javascript and CSS. Then, when I was about 11, I learned PHP and MYSQL. When I got 12, I was interested of programming. I downloaded Dev-C++ and started learning C++. In last two years (now I'm 14) I've been learning C++ and other things about computers (how floats are built, PE executable construction byte by byte etc). I try to learn as much as I can about everything. I can't just "not read" information about programming and that kind of things. I am still hungry for knowledge and I can't stop learning, because I am too interested in these things. I've always liked low-level stuff, because that's closer to "the truth". That's why I stick to C++ with Win32 API and try to learn assembly language.

  6. #6
    Supermassive black hole cboard_member's Avatar
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    I'd have to say it's a creativity thing plus the fact that I find the nitty-gritty of how computers work really interesting. If I wasn't introduced to programming I'd probably be a hobbyist electrician / engineer of some sort - come to think of it I'd probably have ended up programming anyway.
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  7. #7
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
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    I have no idea why I like programming.

    . I like problem solving, but I could easily do that by constantly getting in trouble and trying to get out of it.

    . I like creative processes, but so do museum robbers.

    . I like methodic thinking, but I'm not that good at it.

    . I like computers, so why didn't I choose to build them instead?

    . I like to understand how things work, but when my TV breaks I buy a new one.

    . I like recognition, but not always I'm a good friend.

    . I like maths, but still can't figure out why I can't divide by zero.

    . I like programming, but I bet my life would be more exciting if i didn't.
    Originally Posted by brewbuck:
    Reimplementing a large system in another language to get a 25% performance boost is nonsense. It would be cheaper to just get a computer which is 25% faster.

  8. #8
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario F.
    I have no idea why I like programming. [...]

    . I like maths, but still can't figure out why I can't divide by zero.
    I thought I showed you exactly why you can't in movie form.

  9. #9
    Reverse Engineer maxorator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by citizen
    I thought I showed you exactly why you can't in movie form.
    Now that explains it all!

  10. #10
    the hat of redundancy hat nvoigt's Avatar
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    Why do I like programming ? Well, that's a long story. Back in the goold old days of ancient egypt, if you wanted to get something done, you started a war, massacred your neighbours, took 10.000 slaves and let them do your bidding. Nowadays, with all those pesky anti-slavery laws and all those fluffy bunny politicians that are afraid to start wars, people have to do all their work themselves. That sucks. I'm too lazy to do my work all by myself. It's boring, it takes time and there's no one to whip for fun. But luckily, all those laws and political correctness were only made for humans. So I went and bought a machine to enslave. I'm back. I'm the master. Do my bidding dreaded bag of metal bones. Muahahahahahaha. *whip*

    She was so Blonde, she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice can because it said "Concentrate."

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  11. #11
    The Right Honourable psychopath's Avatar
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    >>I like programming, but I bet my life would be more exciting if i didn't.

    Same here. *sighs*
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  12. #12
    The superhaterodyne twomers's Avatar
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    >> but still can't figure out why I can't divide by zero.

    (not sure if you were being sarcastic, so I'll go on the assumption that you weren't)

    It's basically because if you do that the result is infinity, which is not a real number, just an abstraction meaning that whatever number (even over three and a half squillion), you think of, someone else can think of a bigger one (four and a quarter million squillion). It's undefined behavior. Check out Salem's sig.

    On the other hand, going on the possibility that you were being sarcastic (Now that I think of it, when have you ever been sarcastic?), I would have to disagree with you about the exciting non-programming lifestyle which you think may result without having programmed. MURK man! Can't we just accept that we like abstract things? I like Etymology, but I have NO idea why.

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by twomers
    It's basically because if you do that the result is infinity, which is not a real number, just an abstraction meaning that whatever number (even over three and a half squillion), you think of, someone else can think of a bigger one (four and a quarter million squillion). It's undefined behavior. Check out Salem's sig.
    i dont see anything in his sig bout that

  14. #14
    The superhaterodyne twomers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h_howee
    i dont see anything in his sig bout that
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.

    Dividing by 0 is undefined. Now, if you divide by zero, the world explodes, thanks for the heads up, citizen, so if you don't call that undefined ... well ... ok.

  15. #15
    Registered Luser risby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twomers
    It's basically because if you do that the result is infinity
    Not right.

    Quote Originally Posted by twomers
    Dividing by 0 is undefined.
    That's better.

    Dividing by a bigger number gives more pieces (towards an infinite number), a smaller number gives fewer pieces (towards an infinitessimal number). Dividing by zero is like squashing something into no pieces at all, something into nothing. Like the universe condensing into a singularity and, to paraphrase Douglas Adams, when this happens "it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened".
    Don't grumble about what you can't have;
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