I posted this over at ES, but I'm also going to do so here
because I'm angry, man. So g'damn angry. Anybody that plays
guitar should be. Plus, I was told by these folks:


to spread the word. Which I'm doing. Yeah, this is technically
"spam', but I don't care! Eat it up! EAT THE SPAM! Hehe. Get it?
See, SPAM stands for, "Specially Prepared Assorted Meats" and
usually comes in a blue tin can. It can also mean, like, internet
things. When I said, "eat it," yeah, that was a pun of some sort
or something.

Anyway, Olga.net was shut down not too long ago. I just found
out because I rarely visit them anymore (too many inaccurate or
incomplete tabs), but, man. Jeez. It's so flippin' dumb. Tabs. Sites
are being shut down that provide guitar tablature. It makes no
freakin' sense! NONE AT ALL! I knew they were *trying* to
do this last year, but I didn't think anything would ever come of
it. I wish Olga or some other site would actually fight them and take
it all the way to the SUPREME COURT OF THE WORLD!

I'm so mad.