Well, the good news is that Kazaa is pretty much dead.
Music wins. Pirates lose. Etc. The battle anyway. Not the
war. The war is far from over my pale-skinned Brothers.

There's still Bit Torrent. How can we eliminate that? There's
nobody to sue. I'm sure that dude who invtented it meant
well, but seriously: it's practically useless for anything other
than piracy.

Brainstorm, folks. Brainstorm.

As part of the settlement, Kazaa's operator, Sydney-based Sharman Networks Ltd., agreed to pay more than $115 million and create an authorized online service that lets people share copyrighted music, film or software — and share appropriate royalties.

Pfft. Nobody is going to subscribe to friggin' Kazaa. Their
"business" is ruined. I predict they will completely close
up shop within a month. If Napster couldn't recover, Kazaa
sure as hell won't.

This is a link, too.

Um, I didn't technically read the entire articles. Just skimmed.
That's what I do. I skim things. You know, get the basic gist. And
so on and so forth.