Ethanol is not enough by itself:

Important questions to prevent ethanol abuse:
1) What about the possibility of another Dust Bowl from planting the same crop over and over and over...? Remember that we don't have dust bowls because of (petrolium based) fertilizers.
2) What are *we* going to eat? Vehicles "eat" more food than humans (especially SUVs that inspire the phrase "stupid Americans")

If you want a national model for ethanol, check out Brazil:

But keep in mind that America is much bigger than Brazil and has a much larger number of vehicles. Also, Brazil has been working on this for THIRTY YEARS.

If you want an alternative fuel for vehicles, try electric:

But this is only one problem of Peak Oil. The least important one I should say. Instead of idiotic discussions about alternative fuels, why aren't you people discussing SURVIVAL.

Because petroleum touches EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of our lives:

1) farming equipment
2) petroleum-based fertilizers
3) petroleum-based pesticides
4) food processing plants

1) distribution machinery
2) purification machinery

1) petroleum-based poisons... uh, I mean *medications*

Everything else:
1) one word: plastic

This simple list doesn't even begin to cover everything.
