Why do I find programming in C++ much easier than taking tests concerning C++?

It's as if the test writer has to come up with the most ridiculous situation just to fool you because the answer to his question is actually quite simple.

I took some tests last night and did not score well, yet I consider myself advanced to expert level in C++.

Anyone else have this problem?

Not so sure I'd ever want to go to school for it - it would probably kill my enthusiasm.

I would like to get certified in C++ so I have some type of backing, but not so sure now. Just because I cannot answer some lame stupid question about an issue in code that would probably never arise, does not mean I cannot program.

And if I see one more class hierarchy like this:

class A

class B:public A

class C:public A, public B

class D:public C
I'm gonna scream. Who codes like this?