Well I started out with the intention of learning C++ with zero programming experience, besides Basic, which doesn't really count.

But I had trouble finding a book that gave me an acceptable background, so I thought I would start with C instead. The book I am using is "Beginning C" by Ivor Horton. Except for the typos (which is OK with me, because if I can identify the typos in code, then that means I understand the material, right?) I think the pace of the book is good for beginners like me.

My question is, is learning C even useful anymore, or am I wasting my time that would be better spent on a C++ book for beginners?

My goal here was to start with C++ and then eventually move on to windows (java, VB, etc). Its cool stuff and I wish I would have started learning this a long time ago, but am I wasting my time with C?