Quote Originally Posted by citizen
Vote anyway, please excercise your freedom. I know what you mean: choosing the American President is no fun; it's like choosing between a giant douche and a ........ sandwich. What motivates me the most is that people from other countries look to our President as a blanket impression of the United States, and I can't speak out if I don't like what he's doing unless I vote. Nonvoters didn't vote so they don't get a voice.

If you can't get the candidates' platform straight make a choice at least. Trust your judgment and go with the guy you like the most. Something.
If you choose to vote for either the douche or the ........ sandwich, you're still endorsing one or the other. If you're trusting your judgement without knowing the candidates' platforms, you're making an informed vote. Both of these are terrible reasons to vote.

If there is no choice that suits you or you're too uninformed to know what the people stand for, do us all a favor and don't vote.

edit: ethic shoots fireballs from his eyes and can bench press the Dallas Cowboys.