Quote Originally Posted by ethic
I'm more intelligent than you. I know more about politics, much more about music, and could even kick your ass in a bar fight if that's what it came down to. But guess what. I'm still talking about video games.
Let's not forget you're taller, better looking, psychic, grow better tomatoes in your garden, make your bed without being asked, drive a better car, have a 18" penis, impervious to yuppie fads or whatever, have better taste in music, cook better, have a better-paying job, and MOMMY LOVES YOU MORE TIMES INFINITY PLUS ONE SO THERE!

Quote Originally Posted by ethic
You suck at logic. Just because we talk about video games, doesn't mean we don't talk about music or politics..
You suck at reading. Or comprehension. Or both. No one said otherwise.

Quote Originally Posted by ethic
...even though politics is a shallow, trivial issue that nobody should waste their time dealing with. No Vote '08.
OK, seriously. This coming from the guy who's spent this entire thread rabidly professing his love for a hand-held video game. There's a saying that goes "the pot calling the kettle black." look it up.

WE GET IT. You like Nintendo above all other video game related companies. Point made. Brain Age sounds like fun. You love your DS. Great. I hope you have a long and happy life together, and have lots of bitter, Sony-hating little handheld children.

In the meantime, though it may be considered immature to say so, it's far too appropriate to pass up, given your recent behavior:
Quote Originally Posted by ethic
PSP is for 15 year olds. It's true. Sorry.
Which explains why you don't own one. You have some growing up to do.