>Do you really want to spend the next 40 years of life
>*staring into peoples mouths
>*at a monitor
>*at motherboards and hard drives

Hmmm. Well I don't really agree with this. Ofcourse, if you like to, you can stay computer engineer and programming you're whole working life. But many people who started as computer engineer worked up to some higher functions. They became architect, requirements manager or something like that.

In Europe, when having a computer engineering degree, there is quite a lot of work. Though, at this moment many computer technology related companies have stopped recruiting starting engineers. Some experts say that at the end of 2002 the economy will be better and there will be more work. But at this moment companies who do recruite, only recruite quite experienced people.

But the most important question, in my opinion, is: what do you want to do over say 10 years? I would prefer having nice work above having to do terrible work.