Not likely!

This is one side of the coin:

This is the other:

The double whammy of both sides of this coin will be the end of America.

If you prefer the watered-down CNN version:

About the CNN version:
The Brazilian official that comments "We've won" apparantly hasn't taken into account what happens to soil if you plant the same crop year after year after year (ie: Dust Bowl). He also apparantly didn't take into account what happens when countries Brazil depends on goes under because those countries depended too much on oil. The domino effect will drag "green" countries down too.

Also, if you research the energy crisis (called "peak oil") on the internet you'll get tons of information about survival, etc. You'll also find some potential crisis scenarios described (this is the best one I've found):

What you probably WON'T find is a serious attempt to describe how the American government will respond domestically to an energy crisis of this magnitude. Using Katrina as a model, I was thinking something more like this would occur:

Despite reaching peak oil in America in the 1970's, America still produces a small amount of oil. This small production of oil will probably be rationed "for emergency uses". However, emergency uses will probably be defined as "domestic military manuvers". Texas (Alaska?) would probably become the military headquarters for America. The military's first job would probably be rounding up the survivors and putting them into concentration camps (oops! I meant to say "Astrodomes"). This means that if you install solar panels, hoard food, stock guns, etc it won't do any good because you'll either be 1) shot or 2) taken to the camps. If you have a family and children then the choice is obvious for typical Americans. However, this means that you'll be locked up with potentially hundreds/thousands of people that you don't know. Also remember that the IRS is headquartered in Texas. This means that the military will have access to records for everyone in the United States that's ever had a job. In this situation do you expect the IRS to protect the privacy of Americans?

Personally, I don't think a government that faces its potential (probable) demise will respond rationally and benevolently to this level of crisis. Especially given the American government's apparant disregard for our civil liberties. And don't forget the torturing of prisoners in Iraq...

Also, what happens if a resistance group is organized and overthrows the military locally? This means they have 1000's of prisoners they can either 1) let go, 2) leave to starve or 3) exploit as slaves. While most everyone would expect them to let the prisoners go just remember that it's going to be tough finding food/water as it is. Any resistance group is as likely to be criminals as they are freedom fighters.
