I can't figure out 6 or 19 or 25. Do you know them?

1. Decorate the entryways.

2. Sir Lancelot with laryngitis.

3. A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.

4. 288 Yuletide hours

5. Do you perceive the same longitudinal pressure wich stimulates my auditory sense organs?

6. A joyful song relative to hollow vessels which vibrate and bring forth a ringing sound when struck.

7. Frozen precipitation commence.

8. Oh, member of the round table with missing areas.

9. Boulder of tinkling metal spheres.

10. Vehicular homicide was committed on Dad's mom by a precipitous darling.

11. Wanted in December: top forward incisors.

12. We are Kong, Lear, and Nat Cole.

13. Oh, small Israel urban center.

14. Our fervent hope is that you thoroughly enjoy your yuletide season.

15. Ecstasy toward the orb.

16. The Primary carol.

17. I apprehended my maternal parent osculating with a corpulent, unshaven male in crimson disguise.

18. I'm fantasizing concerning a blanched yuletide.

19. The coniferous nativity.

20. Removed in a bovine feeding trough.

21. Father Christmas approaches the metropolis.

22. The slight percussionist lad.

23. The antlered quadruped with the cerise proboscis.

24. The event occured one minute after 11:59 p.m. - visibility unlimited.

25. Anticipation of this Noel's mementos - naught.

26. Listen, the celestial messengers produce harmonious sounds.

27. Nocturnal time span of unbroken quietness.

28. Proceed forth declaring upon a specific geological alpine formation.