Quote Originally Posted by ChadJohnson
For a class I'm doing a web site in PHP for a project (see http://cboard.cprogramming.com/showthread.php?t=74740), and I have to produce a "class diagram."

We're doing the site procedurally rather than using OO, so how would I go about in creating a class diagram or something similar? Since we're not going to have C-like classes, should we just make each "class" object a page in the site? Or, should we model the real-world objects (e.g., users, airplanes, students, instructor, ...)?

The instructor didn't give me good feedback, so that's why I posted here.
If you are going to make a php website, most likely it'll have a data base behind, which must be mapped to a db conceptual model. UML isn't only for programmable classes. You use UML too specify the requisites of the website: user interaction, use cases, actors, permissions. You use UML too to decompose the application both vertically (by use cases and modules) and horizontally (business logic, data layer, user interface, ...). Doing a programming approach with UML is one of the last things to do in these kind of projects.