Should DOS really be weeded out and support for it totally forgotten? I don't think so. I have several old DOS games like Doom, Doom 2, Wolfenstein 3d, the original Battletech games (including Mechwarrior 1), the originaly DOS versions of Mechwarrior 2 and its expansion, Liero, and several others. These are classic games. Can they just be forgotten and never played again since DOS is losing support from MS? Now I have to play these games on a totally seperate system from my XP system because most of them either dont work or run horribly. For example, Liero doesnt run, and Doom 2 runs at about 3 fps with very choppy sounds.

When I boot to a boot disk, I can run the games smoothly, but I lose sound blaster support, so I have to change to PC speaker sounds, which really sucks.

Is Microsoft too stupid to be able to keep full support for DOS and yet make their OS stable? I love XP and its stability, but I need DOS support!