Did NASA really go to the moon? I know that's the popular version of the events but I have been reading so much on this lately it's really turning me into a skeptic. There is some really good reasons why it's starting to seem less likely to me. Just to name a few of the many many reasons I have found........

  • The Van Allen Radiation belt - Fly through it and get hit with 300+ Rads of radiation...no 4ft lead walls on the moon lander.
  • All of the lighting contreversy in the pictures that were taken.
  • The Flag blowing in the wind - no atmosphere .. no wind...
  • When they "landed" the craft supposedly had 3000lbs of thrust which should have created a huge hole, but the ground looks level to me in the pictures.....
  • Insert many more reasons right here......

why would they do it?

  • Money...they got over 30 BILLION to do it......
  • The space race with the Russians....we wanted to be first really bad....
  • To take the focus off of the Vietnam war ....we stopped going to the moon right around the same time the war ended...funny huh?

I have not formed an opinion on this yet. I am just curious to see what other people think about it. I have to read a lot more about this before I would be convinced either way...but it really makes you think when you read about some of this stuff. Forgetting everything you know about history.....setting it all aside...what seems more logical to you when you look into the sky ...that a man actually walked there ...or didn't???