VB is the dark side of the source. It's quick, easy, powerful. But evil. It is so easy people use it as a starters language and that's plain wrong because it does not teach you good programming. It teaches you that you can get away with anything however stupid it may be as long as your program runs. I would not work with someone who learned that lesson early on because someone will have to fix it down the road and that will probably be me because VB guy couldn't do it right in the first place. Fixing a ton of horrible, messy code using algorithms that are inefficient ( using the VB logic of "it's not fast, but it works, so what ?", who needs efficient algorithms. Or even standards. ) is not exactly my dream job. It's a free country, do what you like. But don't do it in my team and/or have me fix it.

If you need a RAD language, use C# or Java.
If you need control, use C/C++.

Apart from the fact that it tolerates errors that you should not have made anyway, there is no benefit in using VB over another RAD language.