Thread: Dev C++ takes 3 mins to reload a project

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Aug 2001

    Dev C++ takes 3 mins to reload a project

    When I run Dev C++ and open a project it takes about 3 minutes to load. While it is loading the status bar shows,
    parsing\ include\ headers.
    Is it necessary for it to do this every time I open a new project. My projects are not very big at the moment, less than 2000 lines. My computer is a p2 233 getting old now I know but it is coping with my other computer needs at the moment.

  2. #2
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    Your P2 233 has been old for about 5 years. Seriously, upgrade.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    I know my computer is old. So why haven't I upgraded yet. Well I don't play games, apart from board games or cards online and they work just fine, don't watch films listen to music on my computer. I surf the net on broadband on this computer, no problems. Obviously I would like to have a new computer but until this computer becomes unusable for my needs I can't justify and don't see the need for a £500 investment. Still curious why dev C++ needs to parse all the headers every time, is that normal.

  4. #4
    return 0;
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    Jan 2005
    Go to Tools => Editor Options => Class Browsing and disable "Scan global files referenced in include" (or disable Class Browsing completely). Maybe enabling "Use code-completion cache" (Class Browsing => Completion) also helps to shorten the loading time.

  5. #5
    5|-|1+|-|34|) ober's Avatar
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    Software has gotten to the point where it needs a little power to do things like that. If it takes you that long to load the program, I'm curious as to how long it takes to compile a decent project.
    EntropySink. You know you have to click it.

  6. #6
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    Tools->Editor options, class browsing tab.
    Look at the options for caching etc, or consider turning off this rather expensive feature on such a low-spec machine.

    Meh, beaten
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    I turned off "Scan global files referenced in inlude" same project now loads in 0.13 secs.

    my projects compile in about 10-15 secs I can live with that.

    Thank you for your help.

  8. #8
    Registered User LiNeAr's Avatar
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    Yeah...Dev C++ has been always acting weird. Sometimes when I try to open a project, Dev C++ just crashes, then I have to restart it...and usually do this about three times, until it opens. It is very unstable...and sometimes when I leave my project on, or when i am saving my project, it crashes as well. I have no clue why it does this, but oh well.
    IDE: Microsoft Visual C++ .net Standard 2003

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