Thread: programmers : tell us more about you

  1. #1
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    Post programmers : tell us more about you

    General Discussions is experiencing a lack of threads these days , so here is one you can waste your time on ...

    I've always been curious about cboard members. Y'know , sometimes when you see guys like <intelligent member name here> you wonder "when did he start learning these stuff?" , "could he be a smart teenager or an experienced old man?" and similar questions.

    So i thought of putting some questions here , so we asnwer them briefly and get to kow each others more (technical side) , i'll start :

    the questions :
    0) where are you from ? :
    1) How old are you? :

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :

    3) What was it ? :

    4) What were your motivations? :

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first game that people enjoy? :

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    ok i think these are enough

    my answers are :

    0) Where are you from ? : Saudi Arabia

    1) How old are you? : 19

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? : around 16

    3) What was it ? : VB

    4) What were your motivations? : hacking and game programming

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? : yes

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    c- books.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily? from none to 3 hours

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :

    i still didn't

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    depending on my mood.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    if i'm reading an interesting chapter i might finish it all no matter how hard it is. but normally i read from 5-30 pages when i feel like it.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    its like a weekly thing for me. It lasts from couple of hours to 2 weeks.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :

    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    not yet - yes

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    it would be like a dream come true.

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    no , i'm still not making (or don't spend enough time to make) useful programs.

    *EDIT* Fixed a horrible mistake , sorry about that.
    Last edited by Brain Cell; 03-06-2005 at 05:06 AM. Reason: added question no. 0
    My Tutorials :
    - Bad programming practices in : C
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    (constrcutive criticism is very welcome)

    - Brain Cell

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    San Diego, CA
    0) where are you from: North Anson, Maine

    1) How old are you: Eighteen (18)

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language: Fourteen (14)

    3) What was it: A combination. C++ and Assembly.

    4) What were your motivations: To learn, to have fun.

    5) Do you program as a hobby: Yes.

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion: Every option has its pros and cons. I find trial and error to work best, however.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily: I'm constantly learning when I program. I always will be - it is impossible to know everything about a language 100% perfectly. I doubt even the creators know the most efficient way to do everything. So I am always learning, and that's easily 3-4 hours a day.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy: I generally don't release what I write, but when I was 15, I wrote a program that would sort a list of files, alphabetically, for someone to make a playlist from.

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood, or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time: I enjoy programming, period. It's an escape for me from the daily grind.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day: I don't generally learn from books. I can't afford any. Instead I go to sites like this and read the forums, see a function, see how it's used, then play with it to see what else I can do. That's fubared my computer a few times, but oh well. It's all in good learning fun.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often: I think everyone does. I do - when I get frustrated at what I am programming and can't figure it out, I take a break.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards, what would you do: I make sure that if I am posting full code, that it works. I've always hated seeing posted code that was broken - that doesn't help anyone.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year: I'm getting better at network programming, but game programming is shaky. I don't really understand OpenGL or DirectX -- I think I need a tutor for those. My mind just won't click.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job: I'd like to.

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently: I wish!

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    0) where are you from ? : the Netherlands
    1) How old are you? : Fourteen (14)

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? : 13?

    3) What was it ? : C++

    4) What were your motivations? : game making

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :Yes

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion : I haven't really learned it.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily? None.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? : Haven't made one yet.

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time? : I don't do it.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?: Not.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often? : about 1 year I've been sick zZz

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year? ...

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?: No.

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs): No =(
    Rots Soft
    If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
    Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

  4. #4
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    0) where are you from ?

    1) How old are you?

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language?

    3) What was it ?

    4) What were your motivations?
    Sort of a natural progression from learning HTML and Javascript to create webpages, but one thing I can remember was wanting to write my own feedback form, process it and store the data somewhere.

    5) Do you program as a hobby ?

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    A combination of methods works best.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?
    I dont have any set period of time spent on learning.
    If there's a need to learn, I do so - but then routine programming also involves learning here and there.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy?

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood, or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    I enjoy programming and learning more about it everyday, but of course there are days when I'm too tired or busy with other things.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    It depends on the book, and how much of the subject matter I already know.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    Yes, for a day or two, but rarely.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do?
    I would help with stuff that I know/remember, but I often do check my answer if I'm not sure of it.
    Better to say nothing at all than to knowingly give potential misinformation.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    No, currently I'm working with relational databases.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    Yes, or at least a computing related one.

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    No, at least not on a regular basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
    I get maybe two dozen requests for help with some sort of programming or design problem every day. Most have more sense than to send me hundreds of lines of code. If they do, I ask them to find the smallest example that exhibits the problem and send me that. Mostly, they then find the error themselves. "Finding the smallest program that demonstrates the error" is a powerful debugging tool.
    Look up a C++ Reference and learn How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

  5. #5
    email for MystWind avatar MystWind's Avatar
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    Holland , The Hague

    Talking ok :D

    cool , here it is :

    0) where are you from ? : The Netherlands
    1) How old are you? : 14

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? : 13

    3) What was it ? : Game Maker LANGUAGE , i just started c++ two weeks ago but Game Maker Language ( ) helps me alot in c++ . the maker of GM used c++ while writing it.

    4) What were your motivations? : Game making :P

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? : yes , but when I finnished school I think I'll go study Informatica and make it my job.

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    all , chat here , think about other pple there problems , i do read books on c++ but there seem full of errors ( Teach yourself Borland (r) in 14 days I'm talking about )

    the online turtourial on this site helps me loads too.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?

    in holliday as much possible ( like 5 hours or so ) , on school day , 0.5-1hour max.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :
    13 a gr8 RPG made with GM LANGUAGE , called Recature of the Castle ( RoC )

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    last option , I love c++ , and the MMORPG is going to be somekind of alter ego I never really released , and I am soon possible of releasing it in my own game

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    50 an hour , mathematic 10 ( I'm a quite lucky mathematic understander ) ( although I always mess up tests :P )
    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    nver so far ( been programming c++ for two weeks eh )

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.

    I say what I think is usefull , I want to help them as fast as possible , so post inmediatly , then I check if its right , if not I'm finding it out and post my final awnser.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    nope , next year , yes.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?

    yes really , altough I think I rather lead a Programming team , more my kind of thing , but I wanna be bussy with programming later on .
    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs) no -- not yet MystWind -- my upcomming game will , if its going to be as we hope , get paying members and/or donations.

    and back in GM LANGUAGE , I think I made about 50 euros... nothing seriuos , most for games like pacman , arkanoid , and a game like mario ( I considerd it better than mario really it was called jacks revenge :P ( and I still don;t know if you write that with an 'a' or an 'e' :P:P:P:P)

    thats it hope learning about ya'll too

    ok felix
    Last edited by MystWind; 03-05-2005 at 01:31 PM.
    PLay MystWind beta , within two years

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    0) where are you from ? :Northern USA
    1) How old are you? : 16

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? : 12 or 13?

    3) What was it ? :C++/HTML

    4) What were your motivations? : Same as every twelve-year-old programming: games

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :Whem I'm bored enough

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion : By programming
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily? Depends, if I'm going to do it I'll spend up to 7 or 8 hours on it

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? : Still havn't ~_~

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time? Currently based on mood

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day? Depends on the book, that is: zero to infinite

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often? Yes - maybe a month

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? on't know
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year? No - maybe (hoping so)

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job? Hell yeah!

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs) No
    To code is divine

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by MystWind
    p.s felix , if you don;t do any c programming..... why are you here ???
    I used to program in C++ but because I was young back then I thought I'd have a great game engine within a week or two. So I was rather dissapointed when it (obviously) didn't turn out that way. But I still like to troll on the general discussion forums. I barely post though.
    Rots Soft
    If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
    Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

  8. #8
    Slave MadCow257's Avatar
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    0) where are you from ? :

    1) How old are you? :

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :

    3) What was it ? :

    4) What were your motivations? :

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?
    about 2 hours

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :
    I guess 9, cause I made a really cool firework show and people liked that.

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    Do it all the time

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    I always compile stuff before I post it

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    Network - no, possibly
    Games - semi, yes

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    I'm making a full scale game at the moment, don't know if it has any future. I got a chance to make some money once, but nothing currently.

  9. #9
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Mmm, now I'm feeling really old

    0) where are you from ? :

    1) How old are you? :

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :
    Early teens - yeah, that's before most of the other posters were born.

    3) What was it ? :
    BBC Basic and then 6502 Assembler.

    4) What were your motivations? :
    I've forgotten, it was too long ago. Curiosity about how stuff works, and satisfaction from making stuff happen.

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures
    All of them in some measure, though to get really good requires lots of practical experience, and a peer group to challenge you.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?
    Several hours a day, as I recall.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :
    Same as Q2.

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    It's pretty much an everyday activity, whether it's actual coding, or merely doodling ideas for programming.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    Mostly I just read enough of a book to find out how to solve the immediate problem.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    Not very often.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.
    All of them

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    OK I suppose on the network front, but it's been a long time since I wrote what could be described as a game. There are many other application areas.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    Got one thanks.

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    0$ for out-of-office work.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  10. #10
    Software Developer jverkoey's Avatar
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    0) where are you from ? :

    1) How old are you? :

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :

    3) What was it ? :

    4) What were your motivations? :
    Wanted to make video games

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :
    Yup (though not as much lately because of school)

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    A mixed with any of the other three

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?
    4, 5 hours

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :
    15 (JetPack Jack)

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    I enjoy it every day, but my brain does get fried every now and then and I have to take a break

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    I have a bunch of books, but they're all just reference books

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    once a month or so and for a day or two

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.

    A with a mix of B

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    game programming (at least 2D) I consider myself decent at

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    have two at the moment

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    I made 5 cents off of a math program for the calculator
    Last edited by jverkoey; 03-05-2005 at 12:48 PM.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    0) Where are you from? :

    South Africa, New Zealand, Colorado

    1) How old are you? :


    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :


    3) What was it ? :


    4) What were your motivations? :


    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :


    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :

    A combination of all 4

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?

    An hour or so.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :

    9 or 10

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?


    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?


    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?

    Yes; about a month at a time, probably annually.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :

    Say everything I can to help answer the question, but point out what is speculation and what is fact.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?

    Networking, yes. Game programming, some experience, but very little interest.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?

    Most likely

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)


  12. #12
    & the hat of GPL slaying Thantos's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    0) where are you from ? :

    1) How old are you? :

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :
    13 or 14 I think

    3) What was it ? :

    4) What were your motivations? :

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :
    Yes and no. I don't get paid to program so I guess it's a hobby but I program to increase my knowledge and hone my skills so hopefully one day I'll get paid.

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    All of them. Most people do not learn using just one method. So you must use all your resources.

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?
    I've never really spent time learning in the A then B then C since. I started off figuring out the basics and then as I wanted to do something I learned how to do that. Some days I've programmed for over 12 hours and some days I don't touch it at all.

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :
    Don't know

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    Of course. Sometimes I'd get upset and wouldn't touch it for a day or two.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    I skimmed the books so I know where to find the material and then I'd refer back to it as needed. Though I have read most of Bjarne Stroustrup's book and I probably read a chapter a day.

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    Yes, see aboves

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.
    I've done all three. I've been corrected more times then I'd like to admit.

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    I'm fimilar with both to some degree. My talents aren't in graphics which most games require some knowledge of so I don't spend a lot of time in that. However I've been using a Text RPG game to propel my learning for years now, but I don't think I'll ever finish it.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    My plan is to get into robotics which will require programming. I hope to note by a programming monkey though (but hey if the pays good I might)

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    I get paid to tutor programming but I haven't made money directly from my programs.

  13. #13
    Registered User Micko's Avatar
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    0) Where are you from ? : Bosnia

    1) How old are you? : 23

    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? : around 18 first Hello World, but seriously started with 21

    3) What was it ? : C

    4) What were your motivations? : passing exams

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? : mostly yes

    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    various tutorials

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily? from none to 1 hour

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :

    I still didn't :

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?
    Mostly depends on my mood

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?
    Usually 50-100
    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?
    Two - three weeks

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :

    shoot whatever I think is the right answer, but still I'm asking more frequently than answering

    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?
    Not yet, hardly

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?
    Not really, but who knows

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)
    Last edited by Micko; 03-05-2005 at 01:31 PM.

  14. #14
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    0) where are you from ? :

    Planet Earth

    1) How old are you? :


    2) How old were you when you started learning a programming language? :


    3) What was it ? :


    4) What were your motivations? :

    I'm a hobbist. I love to invent and build things.

    5) Do you program as a hobby ? :


    6) Whats the most effective way to learn programming in your opinion :
    a- Experiencing (without reading books or tutorials).
    b- online tutorials.
    c- books.
    d- courses\lectures

    a, b, c, and d

    7) When you were in the "learning" level (or if you are currently), how much time do you spend on learning programming daily?

    2 or 3 hours

    8) How old were you when you made your first program that people loved or your first that people enjoy? :

    I haven't made one yet.

    9) Do you program\learn depending on your mood , or its something you enjoy doing every day and all the time?

    I program every day.

    10) If you learn from book(s) , how many pages do you read a day?

    not many

    11) Do you "get sick" of programming and leave it for a while? how long and how often?

    I never get sick of programming.

    12) When you think that you can help someone in the programming boards , what would you do? :
    a- Help them with stuff i know\remember.
    b- Try to be %100 sure of your answer before posting either by google , compiling codes or any other way.
    c- say whatever i know even if im not so sure.


    13) Are you good at network and\or game programming? if not , do you think you will be in the next year?

    I implement all kinds of software.

    14) Are you planning to get a programming job?

    not now

    15) Do you make money out of programming currently? (not talking about jobs)


  15. #15
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    1 19

    2 14

    3 C++

    4 It was a challenge, I've always liked computers

    5 I don't really do programming anymore

    6 The best way is experience, but of course you also need resources to read

    7 There was a period in my life where I'd do almost nothing but read and write programs

    8 Probably junior year of high school when I started doing 3D graphics stuff

    9 I found most progress came when I was bored and unmotivated, not when I was hyped up and happy

    10 I would read five pages a day and spend the entire day trying to fully understand it

    11 I'm sick of programming now, I have done very little all school year

    12 a

    13 I have done a lot of graphics and physics programming but I think games are fundamentally a waste of time

    14 No

    15 No
    See you in 13

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