I've been thinking about my position lately, and I've decided that it's time for me to stop being a mod here. Recent events, such as the ridiculousness of the NYE game and the complete and total screwup that was the RoD/Lucky bannings, have exacerbated it, but this probably should have happened a long time ago.

The biggest reason I'm resigning is that, to be quite honest, I don't program in C at all anymore, and haven't for quite awhile. I've contributed basically nothing to the programming boards for quite awhile, because I've got nothing positive to add to the discussion, and because I'm sick of the do my homework threads that kermi and alex don't seem to give two I am sillyI am sillyI am sillyI am sillys about.

That brings me to the second biggest reason. Salem, adrian, nv, Fordy, etc. are excellent moderators. They answer questions quickly, correctly, and as politely as can be expected (when adrian's internet connection is working). They also deal with the riffraff when it's needed, even if that riffraff is me.

This is in stark contrast to the administrators on this site, who wouldn't know a good decision if it sat on their face. As I said, the best illustration of this is the recent temporary banning of RoD and Lucky. The entire thing was caused by 1) RoD being dumber than a bag of hammers and 2) RoD having the self control of a 6 year old. When Lucky actually had the gall to defend his wife (who was actually crying because of the thread, wtg RoD), it was deemed "flaming" by the admins and he was banned as well. Kermi's quote to me over AIM is paraphrased something like this: "If you're bullied, you walk away. That's the mature thing to do." Thanks for that stunning lesson in life, buddy. Ignoring RoD's a lot better thing than, y'know, standing up for someone you love.

The last straw was last night, when Alex IMed me using kermi's screen name because he's so petrified that someone from the board will actually, y'know, contact him, even someone who's been a mod here for 3 and a half years.

So, in closing, thank you other mods, screw you alex and kermi, and I actually did have fun, in spite of it all.

I nominate Quzah as my replacement, but I fully expect someone like cerin or Krak to be chosen.

edit: PS Remember kermi, you're the only unelected mod on this board, so you can shove that election crap up your ass.