
I'm having a bit of trouble with my body. Last night we went out and drank at least 2 double shots too many. I managed to convince the police that we weren't as drunk as we looked and got home safely, went to bed.

Unfortunately my stomach was then full of partially digested (I think) alcohol and my bloodstream had absorbed all it could. Repeated calls to my kidneys failed, so I "segfaulted".

Luckily for me the kernel panic took the appropriate action and I managed to fall into the bathroom in time. That was nearly 12 hours ago (During the night). I've since "segfaulted" a couple more times, but I'm okay now. I've drunken a fair amount of water but it's difficult to get any particular nourishment in me when my stomach still convulses at strong smells. Also my balance hasn't fully returned to me.

Any ideas as to how I can get food to go in and stay in?
Sorry if this sounds gross, I'll never drink again...