Been meaning to share this for a couple weeks:

I tutor math Pre-calculas and below (though mainly Alegbra and below). I also just finished up with first semester calculas. I had a tutee come in for Alegbra 1 and one of the questions was to find the min or max of an equation. Well it was just an upside down parabola. Nothing hard, just take the first derivative set it to zero, solve for x. Oh wait this is alegbra. I could not for the life of me remember how to do it without calculas. So I look in his book and find the page that had it in it: ( -b/2a, f(-b/2a) ). Of course I realize at that point that they had just given them the solve for x part of the derivative. But its kinda hard to nicely put the "I don't know how to solve it down at your level".

Oh well I hope you laugh at me because well I sure did the rest of the day