Never ever offer advice or obvious solutions to her problems to any female if she has not explicitly asked for it.

It's not about age or father or something. You could be 10 years younger and have a degree in car totalling and she would still not like your advice.

It's about the way they think and feel. While offering advice to a male is helpful and the logic thing to do, it's also what we are looking for in a friendship. Males are looking for advice or suggestions, even if only to prove that their own way is the better one. Females are looking for compassion or sympathy.

In a scenario where a cupboard wasn't properly secured and fell from the wall, it's as out of place to suggest a proper construction for the cupboard to a female as it would be to cry about it with your buddy. And yes, that will mean that one day you will get a call that the cupboard crashed down for the fifth time now... but don't you dare to suggest a better method of fastening. Comfort her. That's all you can do. If she were looking for a craftsmen solution from you, she'd be asking for it.

I know that this sounds utterly stupid to us, but it works.