Thread: Have you ever programmed for MIPS?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jun 2004

    Have you ever programmed for MIPS?

    I'm doing it to university and it is a pain. I hate assembly, anyone has a funny history or fact about coding in it? By the way if you have some source examples they will be very welcome cause I still kinda lost

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Here is somthing I did for school this weekend.
    nameArray: .asciiz "Troy Curless"
    success: .asciiz "Sucess"
    failure: .asciiz "Failure"
         .ent main
         subu $sp,$sp,36    #Activation record 12 + 24.
         sw $fp,36($sp)     #Save the frame pointer on the stack for the main function.
         addu $fp,$sp,36
         la $s0,nameArray   #address of nameArray in $a0 to pass to printchar:
         la $s1,success     #Success message
         la $s2,failure     #Failed message
         add $a0,$s0,$zero
         jal printchar      #call printchar function
         add $a0,$s1,$zero  #prep for function call
         addi $ra,$ra,12    #adjust return register
         beq $v0,$zero,fail #branch to print failure if 0 failure
         jal printchar         #print success
         add  $a0,$s2,$zero   #else prep load failure into arg register
         jal printchar      #call printchar(failure)
         slt $v1,$zero,$v0  #set on successful print
         j exit
    .end main
         sw $ra,-12($fp)
         sw $s0,0($fp)
         sw $s1,-4($fp)
         sw $s2,-8($fp)
         li $v0,4
         li $v0,1
         lw $s0,0($fp)
         lw $s1,-4($fp)
         lw $s2,-8($fp)
         # Now do housekeeping for the main function.
         lw $ra,-12($fp)    #Load the old return address from the stack
         jr $ra             #Return to caller.
    .end printchar

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    In fact I need to discover how to save an int into a specific memory position. I know google ive fast searched it but I couldnt find, my C project is killing me, I have few time for mips

  4. #4
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    I've got my old MIPs textbook I could sell you cheap, if you don't mind waiting a week for me to get it from my parents' house (and if I can find it). It's a hell of a book

    I think this is it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govtcheez
    I've got my old MIPs textbook I could sell you cheap, if you don't mind waiting a week for me to get it from my parents' house (and if I can find it). It's a hell of a book

    I think this is it
    I got it free from a friend but I'm too occupied to read it right now, so I wonder if I can make the project just by reading some code examples.

  6. #6
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > I hate assembly, anyone has a funny history or fact about coding in it?
    Well write the silly thing in C then.
    Then do "gcc -S" on it to get the assembler and tweak it to match what you want to do.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salem
    > I hate assembly, anyone has a funny history or fact about coding in it?
    Well write the silly thing in C then.
    Then do "gcc -S" on it to get the assembler and tweak it to match what you want to do.

    I wish I could, but I need to learn this stuff

  8. #8
    and the Hat of Clumsiness GanglyLamb's Avatar
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    between photons and phonons
    I'm doing it to university and it is a pain. I hate assembly,
    my C project is killing me, I have few time for mips
    Originally Posted by Govtcheez
    I've got my old MIPs textbook I could sell you cheap, if you don't mind waiting a week for me to get it from my parents' house (and if I can find it). It's a hell of a book

    I think this is it

    I got it free from a friend but I'm too occupied to read it right now, so I wonder if I can make the project just by reading some code examples.
    And to conclude that Maragato is constantly contradicting in this thread->
    Originally Posted by Salem
    > I hate assembly, anyone has a funny history or fact about coding in it?
    Well write the silly thing in C then.
    Then do "gcc -S" on it to get the assembler and tweak it to match what you want to do.

    I wish I could, but I need to learn this stuff
    You say you dont have time, that you hate assembly, you donīt want to read that book and you say you cant just learn it by looking at codesnippets....

    ONE suggestion for you: get right onto it and study the damn thing. The faster you start learning it the faster all your problems will be over.

    also i think that that book has an index ( like any other book actually ) so take the book and just look into the things you need to accomplish this project...dont worry about the rest for now just make sure you know the things needed for your project...
    Last edited by GanglyLamb; 10-04-2004 at 07:01 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GanglyLamb

    also i think that that book has an index ( like any other book actually ) so take the book and just look into the things you need to accomplish this project...dont worry about the rest for now just make sure you know the things needed for your project...
    not only that but there's a section in that book (appendix) that deals with mips and common usages - we used the same book for my comp org class.

    Get off my Intarweb!!!!

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    lol if anyone looked at my code they would have seen its a little buggy, luckily I fixed it before turning it in.

  11. #11
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    What's wrong with x86?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    What's wrong with x86?
    All, X86 asm is a hell, instructions are messud up, you cant freely use the registers, some instructions doesnt work on some registers... Common problems of a CISC machine.

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