OK, so I'm here at work right now. It's a pretty standard cube farm, movable walls and all that. My computer monitor sits next to my wall, and on the other side of that wall is my neighbor and his pencil sharpener. The monitor and the pencil sharpener were probably less than a foot or so apart. It's been moved since then.

The thing is, when he used the sharpener, it distorts my monitor like it's degaussing. It's really strange. They aren't plugged into the same outlet or anything, and nothing else has its power affected, so I don't think it's a circuit problem. My question is, does an electric pencil sharpener really put out enough intereference to screw up a monitor's display? I guess the answer is obviously yes, but shouldn't the monitor be shielded better than that? What would a sharpener even do that it intereferes so much?

edit: This isn't a "what should I do?" post. We moved the sharpener a little farther away and there's no problem now. More curiousity than anything else.