I was invited by a friend of mine to go to the premier of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in our local 14-screen. What I encountered when I got to the cinema was deeply disturbing.
It had been completely inundated with a flood of little wizard wannabes! All little children dressed in exactly the same fashion. Magick wands, circular glasses, cloaks and all seemed to have attacked their forehead with a pink felt-tip pen for some obscure reason...
Some had even brought along some sort of ancient common household appliance...

I had to wade through this throng of 'Mum, when can we go in?' or 'He broke my wand!' making an attempt not to tread on the mystical minors.

. I nearly collapsed in giggles at the sight of a little boy of about 4 years dressed as Harry...nothing wrong with that. All the kids were... but he was dragging behind him a stuffed toy owl on a doglead. AWWW!! CUTE!!
The owl was looking a little less regal than the real thing... a trifle soggy and dirty and getting stepped on by all the other mini wizards.

What is the thing with Harry Potter? It's sheer madness!!