I don't think the console is well-suited to online
Online gaming isn't really that bad on a console,
assuming enough people actually hook their console
up to the internet. Some games were difficult to
find people to play against a few months after
the game's release. But others, like Phantasy Star
Online and Phantasy Star Online: Version 2 are
packed with players.

PSO is, by far, one of my all-time favorite games.
If you haven't played it yet, go buy a Dreamcast
(the price was just lowered to $50) and a copy
of PSO: V2. There is a fee to play V2 online,
though. The price is about $15/3 months of unlimited

An updated version of PS0: V2 will be coming to
PC/Xbox/Gamecube soon. I'll probably get the
GCN version. I just wish there was a way to
convert the Dreamcast-character to Gamecube.
My character has grown on me...