Well, it looks as if the time has come.

Most of you know the reason of my departure, but for those of you who do not know: I have been called to serve a mission for my church. I will be serving my mission in Italy for the next 2 years, and I will not have access to a computer except once a week in order to write email to friends and family.

Tomorrow will be my last day here in Houston, and it will be a pretty busy day, so I thought I would go ahead and say bye now since I will be pretty busy tomorrow.

Anyways, thanks to all those who helped me with any and all questions/problems I have asked over the last 5 years that I have been a member of these boards (it's hard to believe it has been that long!).

I will be back in 2 years, I can guarantee that. I wouldn't stay away from these boards forever.

Farewell, everyone. Good luck in everything you do over the next 2 years. Webmaster, thanks for being a good admin. Kermi, you too. Govtcheez, be nice to the other Mormons while I am away, lol. And that goes for the rest of you guys too. Bubba, you better be employed by id Software when I get back or I will be very disappointed. I'm sure doubleanti isn't reading this because he left ages ago, but: hasafraggin shizigishin oppashigger.

And to Dean/TrollKing/WitchKing: how's your dad and his truck?

Prelude: are you really RobC?
RobC: are you really Prelude?

psh..i doubt it.

Thantos: right now you are a member of the select...you better be a God when I get back.

I hope C++ will still be popular in 2 years. Wow I'm gonna come back and so much will be different. The new version of dasavo.com will be up sometime within the next 24 hours if you want to view it.

Anyone know where I can get a full version of Doom 3? I soooooo want to play that game before I leave since I wont be able to play any computer games while I am on my mission. I dont want to have to wait 2 years.

Sean: good luck man, hope you get into BYU, and i probably wont see you until you get back from your own mission since our missions will probably just barely overlap.

Ah well, that's enough of my rambling.

Bye, everyone! Oh...wait...by the way...that RTS game I was making...I bet a lot of you want to see what I got done...um...I guess I could try to upload it to my website...I will try. Check it in about 24 hours and see if I have uploaded it. I will try.

Okay, now I am really done for real. Bye, everyone!