Okay,so here's the thing- I love metal and modern rock music,stuff like Linkin Park,Limp Bizkit ,Evanescance...
I've always fantacised being a rock star.Now neither am I good at singing,nor am I interested.Hence we are left with playing instruments.I suck at the drums.I've got a small Keyboard at home.I never had any training for the piano(or the casio)The only thing I can play with it is the national anthem.But I believe with more practice and some formal training,I can improve.
I've never played a guitar.Is an electric guitar tougher to play than a keyboard?I know that a guitar is more expensive than a keyboard,but is it VERY expensive?Though the keyboard is cheaper,its hardly used even in modern rock as compared to the guitar.
I just wanna play an instrument of rock music for recreation.What do you think I should go for?