Unknown to much of the world, a miracle has occurred of late in the realm of hot dogs and hot dog buns. It is a miracle so great that it will stand in history as the moment that changed the world. With this one event, world peace can now be established.

For ages philosophers, mathematicians, computer scientists, chemists, physicists, merchants, economists, and even politicians have attempted to figure out the question that has plagued man kind for as long as we can remember: Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10, and hot dog buns come in packages of 8?

No man has ever been able to come up with a satisfactory answer to this question! Recently, however, our friends at Oscar Mayer changed history forever. With almost half of their staff working to solve the riddle, a team of their brightest men managed to circumvent the riddle, and repackage hot dogs in packages of 8!

It is amazing! Never before has such a bold and daring move been taken on the part of any man in history! Julius Caesar invaded the Gauls, the Egyptians built the Pyramids, and Hammurabi set out the first known Code of Laws to mankind, but no man has ever dared solve the riddle of hot dogs! With this bold new move, hot dogs and hot dog buns now both come in packages of 8. No riddle must be solved any longer.

The world is at peace.