Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
Cool. I was thinking about applying for a QA position at Cryptic Studios in CA. Still milling it over. I don't have QA software experience but I have 2 years industrial QA experience...and I've heard it's a good way to get 'noticed'.
It is indeed. Working in a QA position is like a boost to help become a game programmer. I actually originally applied to be a programming intern for the summer, but they had no programmer positions open, so they offered me the QA job.

And Bubba, dont worry, I dont have any game QA experience either. This will be my first time (IF i indeed do get the job...i dont know yet if i have it or not).

Another good way to get to know people in the game industry is through IGDA (International Game Developers Association). If you are an aspiring game developer, I strongly encourage you to join this organization and go to your local chapter. You will meet professionals almost instantly.

I myself am a member. It is $25/year for students and $100/year for non-students. Awesome organization.