The question is a short one, why isn't C++ updated as much as Java? We take a look at when Java was created we see that they first picked and choosed which features to implement and which features from other languages not to implement in Java, for whatever reason. Java gets updated once in a while, and C++, has just stayed behind........why? I mean once you have an original concept and you just have to improve on it I think the chances are that you're new improved product will be much better than the first one. Java improved on many different languages that are still around, perhaps no other language as much as C++. Then we have people who just like to point out all of the bad features of C++. I mean why not just take a look around at C++ and start redoing some of these things like they do in Java? Just a thought. I personally program in Java where I work (still trying to get the hang of it), and you start noticing the diferences and I can't help but wish that some of the features that are not really good in C++ be ammended. Or perhaps should I start thinking about C++ being done with? I mean I really love this language, and I know that sometime we're going to have to let go of it, sooner or later we probably will.