Went to philosophy class today (101), and we were getting the results of the 4th quiz (the department quiz), and if you did well enough on that test you didnt have to do the final.

The course had this schema:
1/3 grade = 4 quizes (3 from teacher, 4th department)
1/3 grade = midterm (essay on some assigned subject)
1/3 grade = final (essay on if Kant refuting, acknoledging or neglecting humes arguments)

If you did well enough on the department quiz (#4) you would auto matically get an A on the Final so you didnt have to do it, there for class is already over.

Class starts and he starts to rehatch this information as i have just now to you, and of course every one is looking at there neighbors and are sayings things like "how do you think you did?" etc. etc. Of course several of them are very much "I KNOW i did excellent" etc. Others are like, i dunno, not even a guess.
Im went with the im not sure answer. He says the required grade on the test is 41 (of 50), and starts laying out the tests on the table. Me and my neighbors are still going back and forth, and another neighbor again asks me so how do you think you did? And I reply. I dunno im pretty sure I wont be leaving early... just at the moment the professor says well I'll just call out those that got the grade first and says my name...

DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY EVIL looks. I swear. Especially from people who thought they had it for sure. Turns out only 4 people of 30 got 41 or above. me being best score. Yippe. So me and the 3 other people are like, can we leave? Is that it? no more classes? and the proffessor says yes. Then theres all sorts of rude comments, with spiteful tones "Bye bye 41ers", even something about half assers not finishing the class.

What the hell? Is it my fault you can take decent notes in philosophy and get a damn B, Only a B for cryin out loud. No, i dont think it is my fault. Any ways, Im happy. I aced the course. Airgo, God exists.... Why?

enough ranting. bed time.