I think I have managed the totally screw up my entire highschool life in one letter. Ok. So I really liked this girl so one day I was getting a little tipsy and I decide that I'm gonna write her a letter. Chicks at my school dig letters. Mistake one. So I write this FOUR $$$$ing page letter (hope that word got blanked). It pretty much made me sound like I stalked her! I wrote a lot of crap about how I liked her and was jealous and the sort. Normal drunken talk. Well I fold it up and stuff it in my wallet. Mistake number two. So the next day I don't really remember what I did as I continued to drink after I wrote the letter and forgot all about it. Well I have class with her today and we hung out. (We are friends, but I really like her a bunch) Well I was digging through my wallet at lunch and noticed a nicely folded up piece of paper with her name on it. I figure it's some girls note I forgot to pass on to her. Speak of the devil, she comes strolling down the hallway towards lunch. Well I pop that piece of paper in her hand. Mistake number three. See what I now realise is what is contained on that piece of paper. Stuff that if some of her guy friends read I would commit suicide. Well she has what all girls have.

Cantshuttheirdamnmouth syndrom. Well I get home hoping that she read it and didn't care and didn't tell anyone. I'm odviously on the bad list of karma. I get a phone call from a guy named Cory. His first words were quoting a sentence on that note. My life is over.