I'm working on a license for my software, and I was wondering if I left anything out that should be there, or if anything is contradictory. It is an open-source license.

Bludstayne Open Works License (BOWL)
All limitations and priviledges listed herein pertain to the entity and all associated 
works for which the license is in effect for. For software, this includes all original source
code, headers, libraries, executable files, and media needed to compile and run the program.

*   You may redistrubute, modify, release, run, and otherwise manipulate the work in any
    way you wish, as long as it follows the rules listed in this file.
*   You may never at any time declare yourself as the original author of the work.
*   If you release any changes you have made to the work, this license is still in effect.
*   Any time you release a modified version of the work, you must state the original author
    of the work and that the release you have made is an unofficial release.
*   You may not direct people to the original author of the program for troubleshooting,
    questions, and general support for unofficial releases of the work.
*   This file must be included with any release or distribution of the work.
*   If you create a port of the work for another computer operating system, it is still an
    unofficial release of the program, and the same rules apply.
*   Money or any other material gain may not be made from this work, unless it is an award
    and not a commercial action. This applies to the original author as well as all
    who obtain a copy of the work.
*   If the work needs any other work to properly function, be viewed, or be manipulated,
    you must make it available if at all possible for no charge. If any cost is involved,
    you must still provide information on how to obtain it.
*   If you feel that you have a significant enough change to the work that you should change
    the name, this license is still in effect, and you must state that your work is based
    on the name of the original work, and the name of the author who created it.
*   The work may NOT be used for ANY illegal activities in the country you use it in. If
    you obtain the work, and realize that it is illegal in your country, you must delete it
    immediately. You may not modify it to make it do illegal activities in the country you
    modify it in, and blame may NOT be taken on the original author of the program for
    illegal activities commited by recipients of the work.
*   If the work is a computer virus/trojan/worm or any related type of software, it may NOT
    be released. If it is, the original author that had turned it into the virus/trojan/worm
    must take full responsibility for any damages made. If the original author of the work
    is not the person who turned it into the virus/trojan/worm he/she is not the responsible
    party, the original author who turned it into one is.
*   Nobody, including the original author, may claim patent of the work.
*   This file must be included with the work, NO EXCEPTIONS! If the work is able to be viewed
    in a browser-type software without any explicit download, there must be some way of
    viewing this file stated.
*   No modifications may be made to this file. It must match up to the file at
    http://bludstayne.hostrocket.com/ under the download section. No changes in encoding may
    be made.
*   If any other version of this license is made, it is a seperate license.
*   Every source and header file for software must state that it is under the Bludstayne
    Open Works License, and that license.txt (this file) is available.
This license is copyrighted (C) 2003 Joshua William Taylor I