
I'm Paul Stovell, project manager for the SWEBS Web Server project at

The SWEBS Web Server is designed to be an easy to use and configure general purpose web server. It is currently onlt beta, but we would be very grateful if people could download it and test it out.

Currently the SWEBS Web Server can do almost everything most web servers can do. Its one drawback, however, is that it cannot process CGI scripts. This is something we plan to do in the future through ISAPI/NSAPI support and fastCGI, but we need your help. I've searched for C++ documentation on writing both ISAPI and NSAPI servers (not client filters) but can't seem to find any.

But apart from CGI support, there isn't much at the moment the SWEBS Web Server can't do. I urge anyone interested in a developing project such as this to download, install and test the server. Your all welcome to register at the forums on our site and tell us what you think of the server, and make any suggestions/comments (all are welcome!).

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks even more to anyone who follows the links/downloads the server.

Note: While advertising the SWEBS Web Server on a site thats mostly made for CGI development might be considered premature (as CGI is not supported yet), please know that our intentions at the moment are to get as many people as possible interested in the project so that when we get to these stages we have all the skills avaliable.