Well...today I was very amazed at the utter stupidity of some people in this world. Now, before I go on any further, let's make one thing clear:

Ignorance - for the purposes of this post, if you are ignorant, then that is okay. For example, if you are a French major in college, and dont know a single thing about computers, then that is okay. You are ignorant about computers because you dont need to know anything about computers for your French major.

Stupidity - this is not okay. For example, if you are a Computer Science major in college, and know not one thing about computers, you are considered stupid in my mind...

Now, keeping this in mind...I saw a lot of stupid people today in my Computer Science 124 class here at my university. They asked my professor some of the STUPIDEST questions I never thought I would hear exit the words of the mouth of a Computer Science major...

So here they are, for your viewing pleasure! Stupid questions asked by Computer Science majors to their CS Professor!

1. "How do I save a word document as a text file?"

2. Student: "How do I open a .pdf file?"
TA: "Are you using Windows?"
Student: "I think so..."

3. "So up until now with 64 bit processors we could only computer 64 bits at a time?"

4. "Why does the binary number 0001 represent the number 1 and not the number -1?"

*claps and cheers* Yea for the stupidity! Now, I could easily understand someone of a non-computer major not knowing those things. But those were all COMP SCI majors that asked those questions!

(If anyone else has had any experiences such as this...please...post them on this thread so we can laugh at other peoples stupidity...)