Sounds like a gun-nut's wet dream.
Does guns scare you? DO you want your mommy now? DO you want the big bad (literate) NRA to go away?


Paintball's plenty serious - it's just another sport - it's not intended to be survival games, at leas tnot usually
When the hell did survival game get mentioned?

Its just accurate paintballs that look real instead of the fake stuff. With the extras you can get involved.

The guns cost more but the ammo is cheaper. All the bodys are aways metal and since there almost always 1:1's then tend to feel nice. They cheap paint ball guns are crap, the pricey ones(i think the stingers were the ones i liked) do feel nice.

Plus i do competition shooting, i have to be a sniper.

Im surprised this many people like paintball. I was waiting for a "Slingshots and Paintball guns are evil' thread....