Firstly, atheism in general doesnt claim anything
Sorry, I was mistaken. I actually thought Atheists claim that no God exists.

yeah, atheists don't have to prove anything.
The ones who have to prove their beliefs is the believers.
Take the first logic class you find. It will teach you that if you make a statement, you have to back it up. It's not for the other side to shoot it down.

No! I can't believe that nvoigt because you're smart, genuinely intelligent and evidently not overly indocrinated, you are influenced by social view points which is skewing the way you're thinking about this topic but i genuinely think you could come around if i or someone else could explain with more clarity why your reasoning is flawed.
I don't think it's flawed. Maybe different. I think we have the same base here:
Evolution is what happened. Most religious theories and books have flaws. They were translated several times and have been written a long time ago. This way, even if they were right at the time written, flaws are to be suspected. My conclusion is that I cannot come to a conclusion. Your conclusion is as the evidence is flawed, there is no God.

Take another example:

Joe Farmer was abducted by aliens. Their Ufo landed on top of his barn, taking four cows and him to a planet called yobana where they did various experiments. This is flawed, no evidence whatsoever, probably a made up story. My conclusion is, that this bull$$$$ is not enough to decide if there is life outside of the space we know. Your conclusion would be that as the story is total bull$$$$ and Joe Farmer was drunk at best, there is no life outside of our galaxy.

No facts, no decision on my part. And I guess we already agreed above that we don't have proof for anything. We don't even know if my decision to sit here and answer isn't God's way to play Sims on a saturday afternoon.

I don't think it's likely or reasonable. I just don't think it's totally impossible either.