Originally posted by mart_man00
To put it bluntly, who comes up with everything(most of the time)?

How many of the Idian guys are qualified enough to turn on a computer by themseleves without wearing a helmet? We probally lost the VB stuff(hey, it was useless from the start) but we will get the serious stuff back eventually.

Eventual some new arch will come out and all the VBs will be wondering why nothing works. I havnt heard of many coding masters over there or anywhere. The ones they have are either to scattered to work or will just come here any way(would you want to be a country that cant code? thats almost like bing in canada!!! canada!!! )

Plus open source is alittle to blame too. Free software == no proffits. Its good for us but its also bad for business.

Thats the one reason i like Gates, he made this stuff a real business. Later he completelty screwed it but he help to come up with it.

i dont even know where to start. i feel like i have actually lost intellegence by reading that post. bah....