
I have been pondering to myself who gains from file sharing networks. Dunno why.

Kazaa has spyware etc, so I guess revenue is generated there.

But Kazaa-Lite is supposed to be spyware free..So now who gains?

Diet-Kazaa is supposed to sit on top of Kazaa and stop spyware working...

I am led to believe Kazaa-Lite is not by the same people as Kazaa-is that right? If so, who writes the code and to what end? Just for the pleasure of it?

I have used the -Lite version trouble free for a good while now with no problems. When D/L though, you may be sharing with a user on Grokster-so does this not mean they are all in it together? ie Kazaa IS Kazaa-Lite IS Grokster etc..

I have Bearshare, who offer a 'pro' version so I guess they have some revenue, even though most people will use the free one.

Just curious as to who gains! Apart from me of course