Originally posted by FillYourBrain
and while you're at it, the fast food industry made him a little fatter which helped to make the video that much funnier. Sue McDonalds.
Yeah, because that's similar.

Jeez, at least put an effort into making sense.

>Frivilous lawsuites happen allot

It's frivolous. And it's a lot. And this isn't a frivolous lawsuit.
But that doesn't matter, because I play guitar better than you.

You know, I really hate to do this; I'm running out of places to
virtually chill. Bleh, screw it. You're all too mean; I can't associate
with you. You're all just bad people. Really, I thought you little
nerdlings would feel empathy for this kid. Don't you all have
terrible High School memories of being shoved in lockers? And
for you people that actually have the nerve to make fun of
someone because of their physical appearance; have we forgotten
how mean the kids were to you because of your chronic acne,
pale skin, and herpe lips? I expected more compassion from you
little dweebs.

So, consider this post my last on the Cprogramming.com forums.
It's sad... kind of, I don't know. The first couple days will be hard,
but if I got over Flashdadde, I'm sure I can get over this place.

ethic is almost dead; he's only registered at one more site...

Goodbye, all.

I feel I have to say something to -Ken-, first: I'm sorry. I love you.
Don't forget me. :kisses:

I'm going to pull the same thing that I pulled in my last reply at
FD, and in my last reply to the skank-poll here. Um, don't bother
replying to anything I said, because I won't see it. I know that
must be very frustrating (hehehe), but I don't care what you have
to say to me. So remember, you can't hurt my feelings because
I'll never read anything any of you ever write again.

That's all. Peace out, homies.
